Friday, March 23, 2012


This was at the Lalbah Gardens in Bangalore.  Birds of Paradise are like daisies here--they're everywhere!

 Rooster on the balcony!  I named him "Angus."

 Artwork at the Gate--you see this chalk artwork laid down every day at the gateposts of homes, then washed away the next day for new artwork...

 Architecture in my neighborhood--this is my favorite home.

 Indians love their flowers...and their temples!  This was also at Lalbah Gardens.

 Flowers Among the Trash--Beauty and decay mix every day.

 My phrasebook--Which I lost!  Help!

 The Indian "flag"-- (I didn't take this one, but this is what it looks like!)  The door decorations are marigold garlands.

 Chalk work at a "ritzy" gate.
Geetha, my neighbor.